Reading Corner Archive
Our Reading Corner pages come out weekly with three links to articles that match our main post for that week.
February 18, 2024Filed as: Reading, Relationships, Successful RelatingTagged with: Acknowledgement, Presence This week, we said that fearless truth is one of the important threads of any peaceful relationship. Here are some articles talking about truth and honesty in relating. |
February 11, 2024Filed as: Reading, Relationships, Successful RelatingTagged with: Connection, Honesty, Openness, Truth This week, we said that fearless truth is one of the important threads of any peaceful relationship. Here are some articles talking about truth and honesty in relating. |
February 4, 2024Filed as: Reading, Relationships, Successful RelatingTagged with: Differences, Disagreement This week, we wrote about how to use relationship disagreements in a positive way. It is hard to find matching articles because most of them are about how conflict is good. Here are three articles that understand why it is not necessary. |
January 28, 2024Filed as: Reading, Relationships, Successful RelatingTagged with: Honesty This week, we wrote about how total honesty makes for harmonious relationships. Here are some articles that delve into different aspects of this topic. |
January 21, 2024Filed as: Core Values, Reading, Relationships, Successful RelatingTagged with: This week, we wrote about why you need to know your core values. Here are some insights from others about this topic. |
January 14, 2024Filed as: Peace, Reading, Relationships, Successful RelatingTagged with: This week, we wrote about how to create relationships where peace reigns, and the parallels between personal and world peace. Here re some articles on peace, plus the poem that inspired the blog. |
January 7, 2024Filed as: Reading, Relationships, Successful RelatingTagged with: Active Listening, Listening In this week's blog, we wrote about how to really listen and connect in your relationships. The closest articles we could find are about active listening; we're describing a different attitude of pure receptivity. |
December 24, 2023Filed as: Reading, Relationships, Successful RelatingTagged with: Goodwill This week, our topic was goodwill, not just for the holidays, but all the time, and we were pleasantly surprised by the articles we found. |
December 17, 2023Filed as: Reading, Relationships, Successful RelatingTagged with: Appreciation This week, we wrote about why little things like thank you are important in relationships. Here are some blog posts that delve into this topic and give many examples. |
December 10, 2023Filed as: Reading, Relationships, Successful RelatingTagged with: Sharing This week, our blog topic was why sharing is so important in your relationships. Here are three blogs that speak to different elements of this topic. |