Are you having disagreements that turn into arguments in your relationships? Are your different ideas about how to do things causing separation and distance between you and your partner, friend, relative? This can be changed! Disagreements come in different degrees. …

How Mutual Solutions Help You to Solve Disagreements and Avoid Arguments Read more »

PHIL: We just watched a documentary on fungi and how the mycelium acts as connections, allowing a strong tree to supply nutrients to a weaker tree. Such mutuality is found everywhere. Bees need flowers just as much as flowers need …

Support Peace in the World by Expanding Your Circle of Trust Read more »

Since early in the pandemic, we have been participating in a weekly zoom gathering where there are live talks on a huge variety of uplifting topics. Occasionally we watch an inspiring video. This week we watched one from Oprah Winfrey …

You Honor Your Relationships When You Listen With Your Heart Read more »

What do I want to tell you about relationships? I could rework what other people have written, whether the five love languages or the parent-adult-child model of transactional analysis, but what I truly know is at the level of learned …

Total Acceptance From the Heart is How You Create Peace in Your Relationship Read more »

A friend of mine was living with a man who traveled regularly for work. Whenever he returned home, there was a strange disconnect in the air for a day or so. It was only after they separated that she discovered …

You Need to Accept Each Other and Look for Values Without Projections Read more »