Intentions have transformative power. Together you can create and set your intentions toward love and peace. You can set them to bring joyous satisfaction and accomplishment to your mutual lives. With these kinds of potential benefits in mind, it furthers …

You Can Improve Your Life by Setting Your Intentions Read more »

Last night we were hanging out and sharing about our week when we discovered that we had a brief incident of misunderstanding, occasioned by assumptions and overall lack of communication. It wasn’t a big thing. It might have gone unnoticed, …

It’s Important to Avoid Assumptions in Your Relationship Read more »

We’ve always held that one of the reasons our relationship works so well is that we respect the individuality of the other person. A core value and bedrock of our relationship is the commitment we share to supporting the growth …

Support the Growth of the Other Person in Your Relationship Read more »

PHIL: Some writings have seared themselves into my brain. One was Games People Play. It was the first time I had met the idea of unconscious motivations, and also of being direct with people. Another was Be Here Now, the …

Relationship Differences Can Be Valuable and Important Read more »

Photo by Andy Samarasena, Studio SB Photography

How can we practice peace within our relationships? Delve into this question with us through these excerpts from How Two: Have a Successful Relationship: One of the most surprising aspects of our relationship is the direct experience of peace that …

How to Practice Peace Within Your Relationships Read more »