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This week in our blog, we asked what important secrets can we learn from animals about relationships. Here are some observations, research and humor about animals that answer this question.
10 Spiritual and Life Lessons Animals Can Teach Us “Look and you’ll find the silent spiritual wisdom of animals all around. It’s simple to follow, devoid of any rigid tenets or esoteric concepts, and yet deeply profound in impact. It’s no wonder then that animals have been spiritual companions to humans, in some of the most ancient cultures.”
What makes dogs so special and successful? Love. “Research on dogs has exploded in recent decades. Universities have opened canine cognition labs, and scientists have probed dogs’ intelligence, behavior, biology and skills. Clive Wynne, a psychologist and founder of the Canine Science Collaboratory at Arizona State University, has a new book that walks readers through the growing body of dog science. In it, he argues that what makes dogs remarkable is not their smarts, but their capacity to form affectionate relationships with other species — in short, to love.”
17 Important Life Lessons We Can All Learn From Animals “Human beings may be considered the more evolved species on Earth but there’s no denying that the animals who can’t talk are also quite intelligent. Whether it is teaching us how to survive in the harsh reality of the jungle to proving their loyalty as our beloved pets, there’s a lot we, humans, can learn from animals.”
This week, we wrote about how we create peace in our relationship by intending to do so. Here are some other writers on peace and intention.
5 Ways To Create More Harmony In Your Relationships “If you want to create more peace in your relationships, it starts with your relationship with yourself. The relationship of your dreams, where there’s authentic connection and you feel loved, accepted, and honored just as you are is completely possible when you realize that it starts with YOU. The thought patterns and limiting beliefs that keep you from truly opening to the potential for an expansive, fulfilling, and connected partnership are nothing more than mental habits.”
5 Steps To Harness The Power Of Intention “Intention is the starting point of every dream. It is the creative power that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening, or love. Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention. When I decide to buy a birthday present, wiggle my toes, or call a friend, it all starts with intention. The sages of India observed thousands of years ago that our destiny is ultimately shaped by our deepest intentions and desires. ”
6 Things That Make Inner Peace Easy “Time is not your most important possession — inner peace is. Imagine you have a whole day just for yourself with an endless amount of money but on the inside, you are worried or afraid of something. How happy will you be during that day?”
This week, we asked how can you increase quality time in your relationship? Although nobody else seems to talk about it in the same way that we do, here are some articles on the topic.
Be Present In Your Relationship “Are you distracted when you’re spending time with your partner? Are you guilty of mindlessly scrolling through your phone while they’re telling you about their day? Although you’re nodding and physically in the same space as your significant other, you’re sending them signals that you’re not engaged with what they’re saying. This makes them question your commitment to the relationship and, over time, can cause major resentment.”
Relationships – creating intimacy “Intimacy in a relationship is a feeling of being close, and emotionally connected and supported. It means being able to share a whole range of thoughts, feelings and experiences that we have as human beings. It involves being open and talking through your thoughts and emotions, letting your guard down (being vulnerable), and showing someone else how you feel and what your hopes and dreams are. Intimacy is built up over time, and it requires patience and effort from both partners to create and maintain. Discovering intimacy with someone you love can be one of the most rewarding aspects of a relationship.”
10 Ways of Being Present in a Relationship “Learning to be in a relationship healthily requires presence. Being present means, you have an awareness of how you’re connecting with another person. That translates to the level of attention you give that person. In essence, being present speaks to you being fully aware of providing a loved one with unconditional loving, undivided attention. Focusing on the present is free of passing judgments, displaying an ego. There are no distractions nor agendas. The idea is to merely be with the other person in a “soul-to-soul” experience at the moment.”
This week, we wrote about why it’s important to look beyond relationship differences to your own reactions. Here are some articles that write about the different outcomes between reacting and responding.
Reacting and Responding Are Different—And Experts Say One Is Much Better for Relationship Health “If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “I wish I would’ve said X instead of what I actually said,” you might be familiar with the concept of reacting versus responding. Similarly, if you’ve wished that a loved one were more thoughtful about what they said and how they said it, you likely (albeit, perhaps just subconsciously) wish that they’d responded instead of reacted.”
React vs Respond “Let’s talk about reaction versus response. Some people use the words synonymously but to me there’s a world of difference. A reaction is instant. It’s driven by the beliefs, biases, and prejudices of the unconscious mind. When you say or do something “without thinking,” that’s the unconscious mind running the show. A reaction is based in the moment and doesn’t take into consideration long term effects of what you do or say. A reaction is survival-oriented and on some level a defense mechanism. It might turn out okay but often a reaction is something you regret later.”
Difference Between Reacting and Responding “Have you ever had one of those moments when you realize you are in an eerily similar situation as the past? Last week my wife Lynn got pretty mad at me for the same reason my ex used to—saying something insensitive. This time, I responded differently and the outcome was a lot better, which caused me to reflect on the difference between reacting and responding.”
This week, we asked what is peace in a relationship and how can it change the world? We’re pleased to offer a number of recommendations on attitudes and actions to take.
9 Simple Ways To Create A More Peaceful Life “Living in peace is about living harmoniously with yourself, others, and all sentient beings around you. Living in peace is both an outward and an inward process. Outwardly, it’s a way of life in which we respect and love each other in spite of our cultural, religious, and political differences. Inwardly, we all need to search our hearts and minds and understand the fear that causes the impulse for violence. In continuing to ignore the rage within, the storm outside will never subside.”
The Golden Rule: The Path Way to Human Right and World Peace “We are living at critical moment in our history, a time when humanity must choose its future. Our world is experiencing a fundamental global crisis: a crisis in global economy, global climate change, global degradation of values, and respect to all human right and life forms. This entire global crisis is a crisis which we all share in common. It is not only a problem of a certain country or region but it is a problem of all humanity. To solve this global problem we need a global solution. Each and every one of us needs to be part of the solution by taking our own personal action as the world can only change when we change ourselves. If everyone does his or her part, together we can accomplish our common dream which is a better and peaceful world in which all humankind can live in peace and harmony along with nature and all other living beings.”
10 Ways to Spread Peace and Kindness “…your influence upon others around you; how what you put out into the world takes root in others and spreads. This phenomenon is called social contagion. Basically your emotions and behavior are picked up by others and can be imitated, felt, or copied. We have all had the experience of being lifted up by someone’s positive energy or weighed down by someone’s complaints or hostility. As social beings, we feel and are influenced by the energy of those around us. So, this causes me to ask, “what energy are you putting out into the world?” What influence are you having on someone else’s mood or day?”