Do You Always Have to Be Right?
What is it about being right? Why are we all so obsessed with the need for it? Is this really what we want in a relationship, in a conversation, when making decisions and finding solutions? Being right – it’s the …
What is it about being right? Why are we all so obsessed with the need for it? Is this really what we want in a relationship, in a conversation, when making decisions and finding solutions? Being right – it’s the …
I’ve been thinking quite a lot about the discussions we’ve had recently concerning power struggles within a relationship. We’ve been talking about John Gottman’s book “Why Marriages Succeed or Fail“. He observed many couples in terms of their conflicts and issues …
How to Avoid Power Struggles in Your Relationship Read more »
One-third. That’s the weekly squabbling rate according to a poll released last month. I’m not surprised, just saddened, because it doesn’t have to be like this. I like to illustrate this with a simple situation which can stand in for …
One-third of couples squabble weekly, poll finds Read more »
Our latest article “The Myth of Inevitable Conflict within a Relationship” was just published in Awareness Magazine for May/June 2014. It’s now also available as an audio file.
The other night I remarked on the fact that we never feel in conflict with each other, and that this reflects a choice we’ve both made, just like neither of us watch stock car racing, because we don’t enjoy it. …
It seems we’re both reaching the conclusion that you must have worked* on yourself before you can achieve a conflict-free relationship. And what does “work” mean? It means Using self reflection to know yourself. Being able to step back and …
I understand where you’re coming from on this, but my first reaction was whether our visitors would. Then I thought about why they might not get it, and decided that would be for one of two reasons: they can’t find …
Hi sweetie, I thought it would be useful to describe the context of “intention to accept” that you blogged about. We were discussing how easy it is for us to come together and be open to each other, and attributed …
We talk a lot about acceptance, but people often reject it because they take it to mean “having to put up with“, so I want to examine in more detail how and where it applies. The acceptability of actions lies …