Often when asked about the important factors to relationship success, we mention active listening. Many people may not really understand what this is. In short, it’s how to really hear what the other person is saying. You might think you …

How to Improve Your Relationship With Active Listening Read more »

“I want to love you without clutching, appreciate you without judging, join you without invading, invite you without demanding, leave you without guilt, criticize you without blaming, and help you without insulting. If I can have the same from you, …

How Important Is Individuality in a Successful Relationship? Read more »

We all start out our relationships enamored of each other. We feel that magical connection and even experience the ecstasy of union. We usually become couples because of this bonding, full of the sense that we are on the same …

Are You Feeling Alienation in Your Relationship? Read more »

Are you still in the dark times after a relationship breakup? Are you struggling with what happened or who did what? Do the echoes of your past relationship still come back to haunt you? These challenging times that we all …

How Can Breakups Make For a Successful Relationship? Read more »