Maude is still away with her friend this week, so I’m writing about relationships. I want to start by describing how humans work and how we got this way. In earlier species, the brain was the receiver of senses and …

Why It’s Important to be Aware of Words and Emotions in Your Relationships Read more »

You can’t figure out what’s going on in your relationships unless you are paying attention. Sound obvious? Well, maybe so, yet so few people look closely at their relationship behavior that many unnecessary misunderstandings and feelings of misalignment arise. So, …

How Mindfulness Practices Will Help You With Your Relationships Read more »

PHIL: There is a strong emphasis on the primacy of the individual in current culture, whether praised for rugged individualism or panned as the “me” generation, but by focusing so intensely on individuals, we pay less attention to the matrix …

Spread Peace One Relationship at a Time and Remember That We Are All Connected Read more »

PHIL: The threefold crises of the pandemic, democratic collapse and global warming feel unprecedented, yet there were also earlier periods when people felt their world was irretrievably upended. From a diary of the time: “There’s no word I can start …

Why You Need to Remain Flexible in a Time of Great Change Read more »