What is Sacred Space in a Relationship?
I so look forward to the time when we come together at night. It is a counter to the noise of the world; it cleanses my soul of the grime of the day. I am no longer pulled by the …
I so look forward to the time when we come together at night. It is a counter to the noise of the world; it cleanses my soul of the grime of the day. I am no longer pulled by the …
Two voices, one message. MAUDE: I went to lunch with my girlfriend Rachel the other day, and she was glowing and exuding a wonderful sense of calm and peace. “Hey, what’s up with you? You seem so different than last …
Sex, Intimacy and Union Make For a Successful Relationship Read more »
The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. Thomas Merton Difference represents danger, the …
What is the Secret of Celebrating Your Partner’s Differences? Read more »
When we tell people we never argue, they don’t call us liars to our face, but there is often a strong whiff of incredulity in the air. It’s not that we agree on everything, but these disagreements don’t descend into …
What Is the Difference Between Disagreeing and Arguing? Read more »
Affirmations For The New Year If you like ritual and celebratory activities, here’s one we find really good for starting a new year. Why not speak some affirmations of love, as well as your belief and intention toward peace in …
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A topic that is basic to having a successful relationship is individuality: seeing your partner as a complete and separate individual, and honoring and celebrating them for that fact. This one understanding leads to almost all the other elements of …
How to be Separate Individuals with a Successful Relationship Read more »
In last week’s blog we wrote about the importance of spending time with your partner and not taking them for granted. Another very critical aspect of successful relationships, especially long term relationships, is to develop and maintain deep and ongoing …
How to be Successful in Your Relationship: Good Communication Read more »
Intimacy. That all important element that is the life blood of all successful relationships. We all start out relationships experiencing the intimacy of coming together, of getting to know each other and of making those special connections that lead to …
There are many methods for solving problems and making decisions that couples employ. One of the more popular ones is compromise. This can be a good technique for avoiding conflict for many relationships. Instead of digging your heels in and …