Reading Corner

Links related to the weekly posts.


In this week’s blog Maude wrote about the importance of belief and intention in a relationship. Here are some articles discussing intention and its effect on relationships.

The 4 Qualities Of A Conscious Relationship “We are approaching a period of time when relationships are ready to go through a major redesign. The current paradigm isn’t working. People are unsatisfied in love; people don’t know how to make relationships work. And, believe it or not, this isn’t a bad thing. Because when systems break-down, that’s when they change. I believe that’s what’s happening in the area of intimate partnership. The break-down is forcing us to move towards conscious love. So what exactly is a conscious relationship?”

The Nature of Intentions in Relationships “How important is intention in the growth and development of healthy relationships? Does the good stuff just happen by itself? Can we make our goals, our dreams, our lives, our relationships happen out of sheer will? Is there always that chance for the development and healing that is required in healthy relationships? Are some people just lucky in relationships?”

Sample Intentions “Intentions are a critically important step in creating a dream life come true. But if you’ve never written them before, it can be daunting. Here are some sample intentions to inspire you to write your own:”


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In this week’s blog we discussed what a successful relationship looks like, and we’ve found some great articles that complement our post.

Relationship Rules “Human beings crave intimacy, need to love and be loved…. Yet people have much trouble doing so. From many sources and many experts, I have culled some basic rules of relationships. This is by no means an exhaustive list. But it’s a start. Print them out and pin them up on your refrigerator door. I won’t test you on them—but life will.”

10 Ways to Create a Strong, Intimate Relationship “It took years for me to realize a relationship is not a romance movie…. At some point I grew up and learned to let go of the crazy metaphor of romantic love in order to find true happiness…. So then, how do we make relationships work and stay happy?”

7 Keys to Long-Term Relationship Success “Most of us want to meet and settle down with the “right” person, and most of us want such a relationship to last…. What are some of the most important ideas when it comes to making your love last?”

In this week’s blog we discussed the importance of authenticity in your relationship: “An authentic person is someone who is who they say they are. They aren’t pretending to be somebody different. They don’t boast of a Harvard degree; they wear a watch for the time, not for status; they’re not in constant competition with others. When they ask about you, it’s because they want to know.”

We have some great articles describing facets of this issue for you.

The Authenticity Rule (+ 9 Tips) for Forging the Relationships That Matter Most “As humans, we’re hardwired to crave praise and acceptance from those around us. We have this innate drive to be accepted by our fellow man, so we conform to the image of ourselves we feel will be greeted most receptively by everyone. There’s a problem with this, though. By conforming to an image, you do eventually find acceptance somewhere or other, but it’s probably on a superficial level. It probably isn’t about who you really are.”

Being authentic in your relationships for more positive living “So why is it important to be authentic? Because it’s a thin line between trying to please everyone and losing sight of who you are whilst you go on an impossible quest to fill up your life with other people’s needs, wants, and expectations…even though they may not actually be in line with your own needs, wants, and expectations.”

Seeking Authenticity “What does it mean for someone to be truly authentic? And how many people do you know actually fit that description? Do you feel that you’re authentic? Let’s take a look at what this word truly suggests and just what blocks us from achieving authenticity.”

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In this week’s blog we asked how do you know if this is the right relationship for you. Some good articles here looking at various aspects of this question.

3 Ways to Know When a Relationship Isn’t Right for You “I was going out with a wonderful man. He was generous and caring and had a great sense of humor. He treated me well and attended to my every need. But something just wasn’t right. I battled with myself for over a month. Every time a fear surfaced about how quickly things were moving, I smoothed it over with a shrug or a hug or a reminder of how lucky I was to have found someone with whom to share my life.”

4 Ways to Figure Out If You’re With the Right Person or Not “For men and women in the early stages of a relationship—dating, moving in, or even engaged—there’s often one lingering question in the air. Skeptical friends and risk-averse relatives alike may ask it. Your girlfriend’s mother may turn to you at dinner party and ask, ‘I just have to know…what makes my daughter The One?’ Or your bachelorette party may be coming to its sloppy conclusion when your maid-of-honor blurts, ‘Are you sure you wanna spend the rest of your life with him?'”

How Do You Know that You’re with the Right Person? “At some point in most relationships, people ask themselves the same question, “Is this one the right person for me?” Whether you’re brand new or seven years in, it’s an inevitable question. The question isn’t necessarily born out of doubt or insecurity. It can be a normal, healthy skepticism to try and balance out your romantic, attachment feelings for your significant other. We may love someone immensely, but still not be compatible with him or her in the long-term.”

In this week’s blog we wrote about the heart of the matter – having a peaceful relationship. These articles look at the difference between partnership and competitive behavior.

Are You Competing in Your Relationship? “One of the cardinal rules of marriage is to recognize that you and your spouse are on the same team; at least you should be. Yes, we live in a world that is rife with competition…. In a relationship where we feel celebrated and supported, we are motivated to rise above our daily challenges. This in fact empowers us to be our best self and redounds to the benefit of the relationship.”

The ‘I’m Right, You’re Wrong’ Argument in Couples Therapy “….Being right gives you a rush of dopamine—the brain chemical associated with winning and victory. You may feel strong—even invincible. The problem with needing to be right is that if we hold it too tightly, it becomes a necessary component for feeling good in the relationship…. Effectively, this game creates division. We all want to be on the right side of the wall—not the wrong side. But that means your partner has to be on the wrong side. The more this dynamic is strengthened, the thicker that wall becomes, creating more division.”

Power struggles: Why being right can make everything wrong “To discontinue engaging in a power struggle, you need to move away from the adversarial energy of competition and control (me vs. you, I’m the boss and you’re not, I’m better/smarter than you are) to one of cooperation and camaraderie (We are a team. We can work this out. I cherish you.). Reconnection and the return to love can literally be just a heartbeat away. It involves taking a pause, becoming present and open to attune and commune in the spirit of curiosity, compassion and clemency. It’s about treating your partner as your best friend”