Dolls by Nicole Turofsky

Maude is away this weekend being Nana (and loving it!), so I’m flying solo in this week’s blog. Time and time again we describe our relationship as peaceful and free of conflict and hear “That’s nice for you, but…,” so …

Knowing Yourself Helps You Have a Successful Relationship Read more »

In order to experience the kind of peace filled and passionate relationships we describe, it is necessary to go through a transformation. But what do we mean by this kind of transformation and how do you get there? It is …

How to Transform Your Relationship and Live in the Present Read more »

If you read our blog from last week, you know that belief and intention are the first requirements toward peaceful relating and finding mutual solutions. Once you believe this is possible and you have the clear intention to participate in …

How Is a Peaceful Relationship Like Riding a Bicycle? Read more »

I’ve been thinking quite a lot about the discussions we’ve had recently concerning power struggles within a relationship. We’ve been talking about John Gottman’s book “Why Marriages Succeed or Fail“. He observed many couples in terms of their conflicts and issues …

How to Avoid Power Struggles in Your Relationship Read more »

An important element in accepting your partner and finding a loving connection is your intention. You have to have the intention to find peaceful harmonious ways of being together, and this has to be something that is a guiding principle …

Do You Want this Relationship to Work? Intention Is a Key to Success Read more »

Often when people think about the issue of acceptance, they think it is about compromise. Compromise is an act of giving up something to get something else. It assumes that there are different sides, and that one must settle in …

Acceptance Does Not Mean Compromise Read more »

In our last blogs we’ve been talking about the Spectrum of Acceptance and Core Values which lie at one end of the spectrum. Next on the spectrum are the areas of middle ground. These are places of divergence between you and your …

Can This Relationship Work? Learn More About the Spectrum of Acceptance Read more »