It was probably the way we planned for our wedding that first drew our attention to how we interact. Flowers, venue, vows, catering – we made decisions on all of these without clashing. When we looked at how we were …

How You Make Decisions and Find Mutual Solutions is a Pattern for Your Relationships Read more »

PHIL: We’ve been talking about how important fairness is in relationships. It is about treating the other person as an equal, even though they are at the same time, different from you. (Here, I am reminded of the Declaration of …

Why Fairness and Trust are So Important to Your Relationships Read more »

We are continuing to work through some complex decisions about wills, trusts and finances, and are some way from reaching a conclusion. We’ve been using our process for this, so it hasn’t generated any conflict between us, even though at …

Why It’s Important to Find the Essence at the Heart of Your Relationships Read more »

PHIL: I’m from England, which doesn’t have Thanksgiving, yet I have taken to it as my favorite holiday. I realize that not everybody may have such warm feelings toward it when the crazy uncle, paranoid cousin and gloomy neighbor are …

Why it’s Important to Show Gratitude and Give Thanks in Your Relationships Read more »

People get into quarrels over all sorts of things, big and small. They get upset because they feel they’re not going to get what they want; anything from a clean kitchen to another child. They might feel hurt, attacked, insulted, …

Why It’s Important To See The Other’s Viewpoint In Your Relationship Read more »


Speak your truth. It may not be good advice at work or in a crowded bar, but with personal relationships, it is the path to a deeper connection and a soul-satisfying peace. Yet, what is speaking one’s truth and how …

Why It’s Important to Know Your Truth and Share it in Your Relationships Read more »

MAUDE: I attend two regular Zoom groups where in the beginning of the session the moderator gives a short recap of the rules for the discussion. Basically, we are reminded that we are just listening, not debating, not fixing, not …

How Listening Without Giving Advice is Good For Your Relationships Read more »