Mature love is union under the condition of preserving one’s integrity, one’s individuality…. In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two. Erich Fromm In our interviews with couples, we have found that there is …

The Paradox of Intimacy and Separateness in a Relationship Read more »

Have you felt completely accepted by someone in your life? Do you know how the experience of full acceptance changes you? Many people do not have any frame of reference to understand these questions. The relationships in their life have …

You Need Total Acceptance For a Successful Relationship Read more »

“Okay, so our core values match and we are ready to pursue a long term relationship.” So what now? “We’ve renewed our vows and want to re-create our relationship with peaceful intentions and an awareness of being on the same …

The Need for Flexibility In Successful Relationships Read more »

We have a wonderful relationship. We just flow through life together. We don’t ever clash. We are never alienated. And there’s nothing complicated about what we do. There are just a few things to avoid and a few practices to …

Why Will Belief and Intention Make Your Relationship Successful? Read more »

We recently had the honor of writing a guest article for, an interesting site aimed at supporting relationships. It has a very clean, well-designed look, and was founded by Erik Newton, an ex-divorce attorney who decided to shift his …

Conflict-Free Relationships are a Reality! Read more »