We don’t argue. We don’t compromise. We don’t suppress our feelings. And we always find a solution to issues that works for both of us. Unlikely as that may sound, it’s been true for the dozen years we’ve known each …

How to Reach Mutual Solutions in Your Relationship Read more »

“Are there things we haven’t noticed that go into our sharing of this wonderful and conflict free experience?” asked Phil. We just cruise along, day after day, week after week, without any hint of friction or tension. It’s a wonderful …

6 Little Things That Count in Your Relationship Read more »

We recently had the honor of writing a guest article for together.guide, an interesting site aimed at supporting relationships. It has a very clean, well-designed look, and was founded by Erik Newton, an ex-divorce attorney who decided to shift his …

Conflict-Free Relationships are a Reality! Read more »

“I know you two have an amazingly peaceful relationship, but what about me?” “I read Secrets of a Successful Relationship Revealed and it’s all very well for you two to be so happy, but how do we do it?” “I …

Why You Have to Believe in a Conflict-Free Relationship to Have One Read more »

Dolls by Nicole Turofsky

Maude is away this weekend being Nana (and loving it!), so I’m flying solo in this week’s blog. Time and time again we describe our relationship as peaceful and free of conflict and hear “That’s nice for you, but…,” so …

Knowing Yourself Helps You Have a Successful Relationship Read more »

Many people write about conflict in relationships: how it’s bound to happen, how it’s better than letting things stew, how to fight fairly, how you must counterbalance it with good aspects of the relationship. But here’s the thing: we don’t …

Do Relationships Have to Have Conflict? Read more »