Last week we gave a workshop on transforming your relationship. Our work involves creating and re-framing relationships as peaceful conflict-free ones. In order to do that a change in perception is critical – a change in how you see relationships. …

How to Transform Your Relationship and Make it Conflict-free Read more »

MAUDE: Last week we wrote about how important it is to check in regularly with each other. On one of our recent check-ins, I shared with Phil that I was becoming deeply distressed about an area of importance to me …

How to Have Challenging Conversations With Your Partner Read more »

PHIL: Some writings have seared themselves into my brain. One was Games People Play. It was the first time I had met the idea of unconscious motivations, and also of being direct with people. Another was Be Here Now, the …

Relationship Differences Can Be Valuable and Important Read more »

We all desire peaceful loving relationships. Last night affirmed that for us again! We had the pleasure of doing a joint reading and book signing at our wonderful local bookstore, Chaucer’s. This was another opportunity to experience directly how much …

Why Peace is so Important in Your Relationship Read more »

We write on many aspects of relationships, hoping to offer you new ways that you can put into practice in your relationship. These different ideas all tie together in our underlying principles. Our first book contained one statement illustrated in …

What Lies at the Core of Successful Relationships Read more »

Maude offered to watch the grand-kids for a week, taking her away from the house except for school hours. The day before she was leaving, we were edgy with each other. Don’t ask what it was about. I think it …

Truth Will Transform the Arguments in Your Relationship Read more »

This week we are continuing our discussion on the differences between us and how we handle them, differences that have come up as a result of Phil’s recent illness. Handling larger differences is a stage of Our Process. You can …

Avoid Fear and Attachment in Your Relationship Conflicts Read more »

This morning we were at our local breakfast nook working on blog topics. We each shared ideas about a possible topic, and some tensions arose unexpectedly. Maude wanted to continue last week’s theme of peace, and Phil wanted a different …

How to Solve Differences From a Place of Mutuality Read more »