How to Deal With Change in Your Relationship
Most of us have found ways to deal with change, but, and it’s a big but, we don’t tend to greet it with open arms. How can we embrace it, especially when it affects our day to day relating? Recently …
Most of us have found ways to deal with change, but, and it’s a big but, we don’t tend to greet it with open arms. How can we embrace it, especially when it affects our day to day relating? Recently …
What are we to make of Mrs. Doasyouwouldbedoneby and Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid, the two mysterious characters who appear at critical junctures in “The Water-Babies” by Charles Kingsley? They are symbols of how we respond to other people. Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid is about …
Transformation literally means going beyond your form – Wayne Dyer Recently we went to a talk by Anne Lamott. The venue holds a couple of thousand people and the place was filled to the rafters. Anne gave a wonderful talk …
What Do You Reap When You Take a Leap in Your Relationship? Read more »
PHIL: In my relationship, there is one thing I cling to like a branch that saves me from drowning. Maude always tells me the truth. It gives me a sense of security. I know where I am because I know …
MAUDE: We write about successful relationships from our own experience and from our talks and interviews with other happy couples. At the same time we feel the practices that we share can be applied to all relationships and that this …
I think optimism is an essential part of a happy life and a happy relationship, and I want to share several aspects of my past to illustrate why. When I was younger I trashed several good relationships by repeatedly being …
Last week we blogged about active listening. This week we would like to share from our book, How Two: Have a Successful Relationship, which includes a conversation on acceptance, active listening and compromise. Acceptance Does Not Mean Compromise Often when …
Maude: We recently participated in a course for couples at our local Adult Education center. It’s fun to interact with a group of couples discussing and sharing their direct experience. One of the techniques for listening that the instructor had …
What Active Listening Can Do For Your Relationship Read more »
Recently, we needed some odds and ends for the household and went out to some garage sales to hunt for them. We hadn’t gone to any in a long time and we had so much fun together. We both felt …
The point of marriage is not to create a quick commonality by tearing down all boundaries; on the contrary, a good marriage is one in which each partner appoints the other to be the guardian of his solitude, and thus …
How to Be Both Together and Separate in Your Relationship Read more »