Finding a Partner
I want to jot down some notes on finding a partner. Three points. Understanding what makes for conflict-free relating provides the basis for what to look for in a partner. You have to walk the walk to attract a like …
I want to jot down some notes on finding a partner. Three points. Understanding what makes for conflict-free relating provides the basis for what to look for in a partner. You have to walk the walk to attract a like …
Though there may be some people with a direct line to what they truly want, nearly everyone could benefit from knowing better their real desires. What blocks this is layers. A lifetime of layers. A lifetime of being told how …
Our latest article “The Myth of Inevitable Conflict within a Relationship” was just published in Awareness Magazine for May/June 2014. It’s now also available as an audio file.
We are happy to announce that we have just had an article published on one of our favorite topics, “The Myth of Inevitable Conflict within a Relationship” in Awareness Magazine May/June 2014 issue both online and in hard copy. We …
The Myth of Inevitable Conflict within a Relationship – New Article! Read more »
The other night I remarked on the fact that we never feel in conflict with each other, and that this reflects a choice we’ve both made, just like neither of us watch stock car racing, because we don’t enjoy it. …
Fascinating NYTimes article, I’ll Have What She’s Thinking, on the ability of women to have spontaneous orgasms.
Nearly every night we retire early enough to have time with each other.It may be conversation, the crossword or a movie, but whatever we choose, it acts as a zone of tranquility that restores us to the center. I attribute …
The road in passes through the emotions. It is necessary to experience them directly, to feel the anger, pain, or loss directly, without any interpretation, explanation or labeling. As the emotions cease,you are left in the state of pure being …
In our article on Acceptance, we talk about the spectrum of acceptance and that it helps to look at how important things are that bother us. On one end of the spectrum, there are the things which really represent our …
Turn Those Little Irritations Into Opportunities for Growth! Read more »
We usually understand ourselves and the world through our mind. We use thoughts and words for this to great effect; so great that we easily assume that the whole world is amenable to such analysis. But thought is only a …