Many people write about conflict in relationships: how it’s bound to happen, how it’s better than letting things stew, how to fight fairly, how you must counterbalance it with good aspects of the relationship. But here’s the thing: we don’t …

Do Relationships Have to Have Conflict? Read more »

In order to experience the kind of peace filled and passionate relationships we describe, it is necessary to go through a transformation. But what do we mean by this kind of transformation and how do you get there? It is …

How to Transform Your Relationship and Live in the Present Read more »

When we tell people we never argue, they don’t call us liars to our face, but there is often a strong whiff of incredulity in the air. It’s not that we agree on everything, but these disagreements don’t descend into …

What Is the Difference Between Disagreeing and Arguing? Read more »

A topic that is basic to having a successful relationship is individuality: seeing your partner as a complete and separate individual, and honoring and celebrating them for that fact. This one understanding leads to almost all the other elements of …

How to be Separate Individuals with a Successful Relationship Read more »