Our partners and intimates are not mind readers, yet too often we act as though they are. We are taught in society to be polite, not hurt other’s feelings, be careful what we say and how we say it. In …

It’s Important to Share Your True Feelings in Your Relationship Read more »

The common wisdom about relationships is that there will be times of conflict. You will find writer after writer advising you to handle this by talking, being kind, communicating, compromising, making lists, having date nights and accepting the inevitable. But …

How to Reframe Your Relationship for the Better Read more »

A core aspect of our relationship is the “We”. And yet we are each separate individuals. Herein lies a paradox we referred to in last week’s blog about seeing differences as an asset. As well as making the “we” central …

The Truth of the “We” at the Core of Relationships Read more »

There’s more to active listening than usually gets discussed. We bumped up against this recently, while working on a Secret Project. We were talking, and both of us felt interrupted by the other. We’ve occasionally had this experience of being …

You Need to Balance Talking and Listening Read more »

Both life and relationships need a balance between planning and going with the flow. This is an important part of our lives and the lives of our relationships. Yet how do we do both at the same time? People differ …

How to Balance Structure and Flow in Your Relationship Read more »

We are conscious of the “we” at all times when planning and acting on things. It is critical to the success of a peaceful loving relationship to understand how to find mutuality, and how to create from that place of …

How to Find Mutuality in Your Relationship Read more »

This week we are continuing our discussion on the differences between us and how we handle them, differences that have come up as a result of Phil’s recent illness. Handling larger differences is a stage of Our Process. You can …

Avoid Fear and Attachment in Your Relationship Conflicts Read more »