This week we are speaking individually on the subjects of intention and belief. PHIL: There are but two simple steps to having a wonderful relationship: believing such a relationship can exist, and intending to have one. It can’t be that …

Why Are Intention and Belief Important in Relationships? Read more »

Making lists and keeping score are really bad things to do in a relationship. Making lists is something we do in our minds and is always about something we have not communicated to our partner. They often involve expectations that …

How to Avoid Trouble in Your Relationship: Don’t Keep Score! Read more »

We so often hear people saying, “If you want a successful relationship, you have to work hard at it.” We have friends whose relationships span decades describing their journey as one of having worked hard to keep it going. There …

How to Have a Successful Relationship Without Hard Work Read more »

The Three A’s: Acceptance, Acknowledgment, Appreciation I believe the greatest gift I can conceive of having from anyone is to be seen by them, heard by them, to be understood and touched by them. The greatest gift I can give …

What Makes a Relationship Work? The Three A’s Read more »

We’ve talked about the importance of having aligned core values for a successful relationship. Breaking this down further, you can think of core values at two levels: universal and individual. Universal core values are based on the understanding that we …

What’s at the Core of Your Relationship? Read more »

Often when people think about the issue of acceptance, they think it is about compromise. Compromise is an act of giving up something to get something else. It assumes that there are different sides, and that one must settle in …

Acceptance Does Not Mean Compromise Read more »