Some areas of behavior are so deeply a part of a relationship that they seem to occur naturally and receive very little conscious attention. These very same areas can often be critical pillars upon which successful relationships are built. That’s …

How Being Intolerant Keeps Your Relationship in Balance Read more »

During an early morning embrace, Phil asked “When does the honeymoon end?” (Just to put this in context, we have been together for 12½ years!) This started a really fun conversation on how the honeymoon phase of a relationship is …

How to Keep Your Relationship in The Honeymoon Phase Read more »

We don’t argue. We don’t compromise. We don’t suppress our feelings. And we always find a solution to issues that works for both of us. Unlikely as that may sound, it’s been true for the dozen years we’ve known each …

How to Reach Mutual Solutions in Your Relationship Read more »

On the first anniversary of our meeting, we made an astounding discovery. We realized that we had never had an argument, had never fought, not even a little. It has now been twelve years we’ve been together (ten since we …

No Matter What You Think, Not All Couples Fight! Read more »