We were contacted this week by a reader asking about the difference between an argument and a disagreement because the distinction was causing confusion between her, her husband and their adult daughter. These words mean different things to different people, …

How To Avoid a Disagreement Becoming an Argument Read more »

We often describe something we call total acceptance, but what do we actually mean by that term? Well, first let’s discuss what we don’t mean. We don’t mean that you should accept abuse or bullying or attempts at dominance. We …

Why Full Acceptance Is The Way To Go Read more »

In the last months, as we have written and shared how we and others are coping with these tumultuous times, something has become very clear. We get a strong response of agreement, empathy and understanding whenever we share personally about …

How to Think Differently About Your Relationships Read more »

Critical to having a peaceful conflict-free relationship is an attitude we refer to as total acceptance. Understanding that the other person is a full and separate individual, with different ways of expressing themselves and unique preferences, is a necessary foundation …

What Makes Up a Conflict-free Relationship? Read more »

It’s been a crazy three months. A poll this week found that 80 percent of people thought that the country was out of control. We have been writing about personal relationships for years, drawing from our direct experience. When the …

How to Get a Peace of Our Mind Read more »

We’ve always held that one of the reasons our relationship works so well is that we respect the individuality of the other person. A core value and bedrock of our relationship is the commitment we share to supporting the growth …

Support the Growth of the Other Person in Your Relationship Read more »

PHIL: Some writings have seared themselves into my brain. One was Games People Play. It was the first time I had met the idea of unconscious motivations, and also of being direct with people. Another was Be Here Now, the …

Relationship Differences Can Be Valuable and Important Read more »