The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. Thomas Merton Difference represents danger, the …

What is the Secret of Celebrating Your Partner’s Differences? Read more »

The Three A’s: Acceptance, Acknowledgment, Appreciation I believe the greatest gift I can conceive of having from anyone is to be seen by them, heard by them, to be understood and touched by them. The greatest gift I can give …

What Makes a Relationship Work? The Three A’s Read more »

We’ve talked about the importance of having aligned core values for a successful relationship. Breaking this down further, you can think of core values at two levels: universal and individual. Universal core values are based on the understanding that we …

What’s at the Core of Your Relationship? Read more »

In our last blogs we’ve been talking about the Spectrum of Acceptance and Core Values which lie at one end of the spectrum. Next on the spectrum are the areas of middle ground. These are places of divergence between you and your …

Can This Relationship Work? Learn More About the Spectrum of Acceptance Read more »